Under Heaven Martial Arts Foundation is located in Leidsche Rijn Utrecht


Welcome to the Under Heaven Martial Arts (UHMA) website. Perhaps your search for self-improvement has brought you here looking to become more fit. It could be that you are in need of some instruction in self defense. Are you looking for a group that will challenge you physically and mentally?


Individuals come to our training hall in pursuit of one or more of the above. Under Heaven Martial Arts strives to get you out of your comfort zone and to do more. As such, we go ‘out into the territory’. We get uncomfortable. UHMA has a preference for that which is raw, difficult and direct. Our philosophy is that you have to step up and do the work, and we will provide you with many opportunities to become more than what you are now.


With the formalities behind us, you now have an opportunity to decide what your next move will be. You need to ask yourself if you are willing to put in the effort to become more than what you already are. When the right answer comes to you, we will be waiting...


UHMA continually searches for truths that we can use to explain "how and why techniques work". We also scrutinize and test them to see how consistent they perform. Our experiences have shown us that less is more and repetition gives you procedural memory to fall back upon. Remember this maxim: You never rise to the occasion; you fall back to your level of training.

Before you start on any journey, you need to determine which path to take. This means that you decide on a course of action by means of investigation and reasoning. UHMA makes use of the following definitions to guide and instruct its students.

The Utility of
Self Control

dis·ci·pline - training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character

UHMA is heavy on discipline; discipline is not punishment. We are not purveyors of conformity or obedience. UHMA strives to provide you with examples of self-control to help you develop your own rules that govern your conduct and activity. Discipline is the primary ingredient needed for greatness. This means that you need to embrace that which is not easy or comfortable in order to grow the muscle we call discipline.

You are expected to visit the envelope of your capabilities on a regular basis. Anything less is selling yourself short, and will inevitably affect your ability to protect yourself.

The Art of
Being Martial

mar·tial - of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior

We have all heard of the ‘martial arts’ or being a ‘martial artist’. Unfortunately, these terms are very commercialized. There is nothing artful about violence (or war for that matter). Warriors are aware of the cost of their trade. Regardless of your struggle or conflict, UHMA makes you mindful of the ramifications of physical force to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy.

We use physical training to rebuild your body from the ground up; it is your martial foundation. If you are weak and without stamina, you will not be able to do what is needed to protect or save yourself. Sandbags, medicine balls, kettlebells, rope climbing and body weight exercises are used to make you stronger, faster and give you better endurance.

The Protection
of Self

pro·tect - to keep secure from danger or against attack

UHMA believes that protecting yourself is not solely based on destroying the aggressor. Our teaching starts with awareness of self. Who are you and what are your ‘buttons’ that can be pushed? By knowing the answers to these questions you know what needs to avoided. Prevention is the best cure.

Situational awareness is next. By paying attention to your surroundings (read: keeping your eyes on the environment and not on your smartphone) you learn to stay ahead of potential trouble. Situational Awareness is 90% of the work. It helps you stay alert and mindful of what is happening around you. It also makes you an unattractive target for those plotting to do harm.

Of the remaining ten percent, eight percent involves vacating the area or situation before it develops (if you are not there, how are you going to get hurt or killed?). This is the primary part of a warrior’s training.

The last two percent is the application of violence. Its usage must be natural, easy to learn and execute: it has to work for the person doing it. The UHMA definition of ‘work’ is making the other person(s) non-functional so that they are no longer a threat to you. Remember, the application of violence has its costs - both legal and moral.

Strengthening of

Would you like to be part of a group that will test your physical and mental limits? Are you tired of trying to motivate yourself into getting stamina, strength and speed? The only cost is some sweat. We can help you.

The first training hour is used to improve your overall condition, muscle power and coordination. UHMA workouts are built on a logical foundation of increasing workloads. This training system helps prevent training injuries and will increase your strength, speed and agility.

We make use of bodyweight exercises, rope climbing, sandbags and various objects to improve our overall physical state of being. UHMA teaches you how to steadily improve yourself. Every training is an opportunity to do your personal best.

In case you are wondering, the average UHMA workout encompasses around 4000 steps, burns 550 to 870 kcal and gets your heart rate up somewhere between 138 amd 172 bpm, depending on the load. At times you will carry your bodyweight in sand and flesh for hundreds of meters.

your Edge

"Respect and honor the one to your right." This is the way we at UHMA interact with each other. The UHMA commitment is one of unconditional respect. Your sex, race, creed, religious beliefs or orientation are left at home. You will train safely, follow all instructions given by the trainer, be attuned to the needs of your training partner and practice in a conscientious manner. Those that cannot hold themselves to higher standards are not welcome to train with us.

In the second training hour you will receive instruction in the elements of kicking, punching, grappling and fighting on the ground. You are expected to visit the envelope of your capabilities on a regular basis. Anything less is selling yourself short, and will inevitably affect your ability to protect yourself. If you feel uncomfortable when having to participate in physical training situations, UHMA is not the best fit for you training needs. We strongly recommend that you consider other training options.

UHMA expects you to work together, function as a group and as an individual. We facilitate team building by hosting activities outside of the training hall. Mud runs, bootcamps, paintball excursions, climbing/hiking, BBQs, visiting the local pub (and many other activities) to help build comradery within the team.


We train indoors from September to June on Tuesday nights from 2000 hrs to 2200 hrs. The first four introductory sessions are gratis. During the months of July and Augustus we train outdoors.

UHMA does not train on public holidays or during school vacations. The training is open to individuals 18 years and older. The admission of minors requires the permission of the head trainer. Our lessons are in Dutch and English.

The Training Location: Gym Parkwijk, Verlengde Houtrakgracht 598, 3544EA Utrecht


During your introductory training a simple (black) Tshirt and (black) jogging pants or shorts will do. We do not train ‘bare footed’, so bring some indoor gym shoes. Shoes that will damage the gym floor are not allowed. Bring a bottle of water and an extra T-Shirt.

UHMA offers two training formats:

The 'Hale and Hearty' format grants you access to the first hour of physical fitnes instruction. You pay € 14 a month for 1 hour of physical instruction on Tuesday's from 2000 hrs to 2100 hrs.

Our 'Warrior' format grants you access to the first hour of physical fitness and the second hour where you gain practical experience in the protection of self. You pay € 25 a month to participate in this format. Access to the second hour is only in conjunction with the first hour; there are no exceptions.

For more information send an email to: underheavenmartialarts@gmail.com